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Quick Start

A brief overview of the main API features.

Create a Page

import esparto as es

page = es.Page(title="Page Title")
page["Section Title"] += "Some text"
page["Section Title"] += "More text"

{'Page Title': [{'Section Title': [{'Row 0': [{'Column 0': ['Markdown']}]},
                                   {'Row 1': [{'Column 0': ['Markdown']}]}]}]}

Add Content

Define Rows and Columns

page["Section Title"]["Row Title"][0] = "Some content"
page["Section Title"]["Row Title"][1] = "More content"
{'Page Title': [{'Section Title': [{'Row Title': [{'Column 0': ['Markdown']},
                                                  {'Column 1': ['Markdown']}]}]}]}

Define multiple Columns

page["Section Title"]["Row Title"] = (
    {"Column Title": "Some content"},
    {"Column Two": "More content"}
{'Page Title': [{'Section Title': [{'Row Title': [{'Column Title': ['Markdown']},
                                                  {'Column Two': ['Markdown']}]}]}]}

Update Content

Access existing content via Indexing or as Attributes

page["Section Title"]["Row Title"]["Column Title"] = image_01
page.section_title.row_title.column_two = image_02
{'Page Title': [{'Section Title': [{'Row Title': [{'Column Title': ['Image']},
                                                  {'Column Two': ['Image']}]}]}]}

Delete Content

Delete the last Column

del page.section_title.row_title[-1]
{'Page Title': [{'Section Title': [{'Row Title': [{'Column Title': ['Image']}]}]}]}

Delete a named Column

del page.section_title.row_title.column_two
{'Page Title': [{'Section Title': [{'Row Title': [{'Column Title': ['Image']}]}]}]}

Save the Document

As a webpage


As a PDF
