Interactive dashboard application demonstrating the Dash framework with data from Spotify.

GitHub - WebApp

The SpotifySoundboard web app was developed as a way of familiarising myself with Google Cloud Platform and the Dash framework for analytical application development. The project uses Google’s Cloud Run to host Docker containers for the live application and for the weekly update service. A combination of the Cloud Scheduler and PubSub messaging triggers the regular update and maintenance job.

In addition to these cloud services, the application uses the aiohttp library to asynchronously send and process requests to the Spotify data API. For the weekly update this constitutes around 60 requests, one for each country included in the report. However, on a fresh deployment, many hundreds of requests must be managed as we build a data set of weekly streaming data for each country over a two year period. The aiofiles library helps manage asynchronous file writes, which although do not pose a serious bottleneck in this application would be critical if we were to request larger files from the API.
